Fri 20 Sep 2024

  • Hearty welcome to the HOLY WEEK"S FASTING from 9 th to 12 th ...

catholic prayer requestDirector's Message

Friday after the feast of Corpus Christy is the feast of Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The devotion to the sacred heart is one of the most widely practiced and well - known devotion of catholic church taking Jesus Christ’s physical heart as the representation of divine love for humanity. The Church celebrates this feast in order to remind the world of com-passionate love of the heart of Christ towards humanity, and its long suffering. “When one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once blood and water came out” (Jn 19:34) Jesus, out of his love for humanity was ready to give even the last drop of his blood and water at the...READ MORE

healing retreatsBishop's Message

I am happy to know that the Divine Renewal Retreat centre at Margherita is celebrating its 6th Anniversary. In the past years I have personally seen that the people have experienced God’s love and forgiveness through the renewal retreats conducted by the centre. Thousands of souls have benefited much from the retreats and they are leading better lives today. It is a source of blessings and spiritual strength...READ MORE

devotion to sacred heartProvincial's Message

As we walked through the Lenten season we have constantly being reminded that we have to repent, take up our cross daily and follow Jesus. We are not ignorant of the saying, “the blood of the martyrs is the seed of Christianity,” which gives us courage that the sacrifice of those who “shed their blood” in India, Iraq, Africa or other countries cannot be in vain. We need to submit ourselves to God’s...READ MORE

retreat centrebible quotes

"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. - Romans 5:6

Divine Renewal Retreat Centre, Margherita

Divine Renewal Retreat Centre, Margherita